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  1. I think it would be kind of cool if there was some affordable ad space(s) that players could bid on using the crypto in their wallet... like, if there was an easy way to upload a graphic and set some text, then set a bid for different times/dates/etc. as well as some basic demographics and then whoever wins the bid gets their ad displayed and can pay per click or whatever works best... not 100% sure how it should be set up, but that's the basic general idea I'm having... it just needs the details worked out, you guys might even know exactly what to do?
  2. hash dice should have a bonus since it's basically just a type of slot machine.... all the games are just different way to play dice lol.... so hashdice should have a bonus, freebitco.in has a bonus feature on their multiplier dice game and I think you guys could do better.
  3. you know you're a crypto gambler when you pay 20 bucks to get a cloud mining account just to make sure you have funds to give to game, and at night before staying up all night playing game you bow your head for a moment to honor the holy book and sacred cross so that they will not cast over you the death skull & crossbone, in cocos name you pray, big win.
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