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  1. Also, if I am wrong and you have nothing to hide you won't delete these posts. You will keep them as evidence when you prove me foolish or ignorant. You show the truth by deleting the posts. Prove me wrong. Also thank you people who liked my posts and support me. We need to stop the spread of corruption in online gambling. Refuse to be manipulated and stand up for what you believe in. Don't let them silence us. If we work together we can change things for the better. Gambling in itself is not an evil natured test of luck. It can be an enjoyable experience that isn't so destructive. It is the greed behind it that makes it this way. Don't get me wrong I am all for the casino making profit. I understand that it takes money to run it. It is when it is taken overboard and people are lied to that this becomes a situation that makes it destructive and dangerous for people. In reality there is no excuse to take away the possibility of any luck or chance of risk 100 percent on the casinos part. When the casino isn't risking anything its not a gamble anymore. It's a scam. Unless you are up front and honest about it. Then it's just providing people a way to pass the time by expecting loss.
  2. Oops.. I wrote this half asleep. I will revise and follow through with a few half made points tomorrow. I'm spent. Good night everyone. May your luck not be as bad as the worst, because it won't ever get any better. Pointless POP? If it was pointless you wouldn't have deleted my long article. Where is it? I would like a copy of it sent to my email address please. I got most of it but I did some revisions and I didn't realize I was speaking so much truth that you were going to take it off the forum. Denying my right to fight for what I deserve. You don't wish anyone good luck because you are an admin at this casino and look at how much losing all of us do. I just don't get you people. Your whole persona is a giant scam. That article I worked very hard on and I wasted a ton of my time writing it. If you are going to spread disinformation then why can we not dispute it? I want to at least be able to save a copy of it because I worked really hard on that. Also I told the truth POP. Something you have never done since you started working here. Pointless.... Obviously I was dead on because I didn't swear. I didn't lie. I made a few metaphors. So why did you delete it if it was PG rated? We are not allowed yo voice our opinions here then why do you offer the forum? is this a fraudulent lie as well? Another one? Like you don't have enough already. I am asking you nicely to please allow me to save my work at least because that came from the heart. Straight from my heart. The only reason why you took offense was because I materialized the logic and deep rooted issues with the conflict between what you have outside and what you have inside. The only reason why it sustains itself within you Pop is because you are motivated with dark money. It is stained... Every single bit or piece is unsettled. It's cursed. Look at the work you do. Is that who you really are? When you know inside that your outside is contributing to a much larger problem that is even involved in this war we are all witnessing? How much reinforcement do you have on that shell of yours before it cracks and you are exposed to the same vulnerability and emotions that you assisted the spread of. You know what I just realized? Your games are a lot like the balance of life. Except one is fair and the other isn't. One is random and the other one isn't. Life has it's ups and downs but somehow things always correct itself. Your software reminds me of that. You set a payout percentage that is in your favor. Then your games are programmed to make sure it stays on target and doesn't really have much room to go one way or another. The worse game you have is the one you slapped your name on and called it an Original. That game is the most tightly controlled, dead end, one sided instrument of greed feeding I ever seen. I even made videos of it. Go figure right? The people who ensured that they make a killing off of it regardless of our luck, because luck doesn't exist when you not only have a house edge, but you take away the random aspect. You can lie to me all you want but your games follow a predetermined hand-picked selection of seed combinations. I have a way people can prove this. Raise your bets. Especially after you win. People never forget they give away their secrets. There are no secrets here. There is no question of what has already been set in stone. Raise your bets and keep records of your win/loss ratio people. It's that simple. You will all relate to the fact that your games will change on the bet changes. This is in itself is game over for your lies where you stated each spin is independent and random. Doesn't follow a set pattern? People pay attention to when you win. Especially bigger wins and tell me the slot doesn't always choke 95 percent of the time afterward. Tell me it doesn't repeat this so often it is a pattern. Because that's exactly what a pattern is. You will always notice people, that the games are always so tightly controlled and rigged that they are constantly compensating for the appearance of randomness. That's all a casino has to do to do pretty much whatever they want underneath it all. As long as you believe it is random, then everything they do that YOU DON'T see is obviously ok. Each and every game is not on a pre-determined and set algorithm. If you create a situation that diverts the algorithm of hitting it's target, it will immediately compensate. I think that there are so many algorithms and random approaches to reach every pin point payout percentage, that the server actually has a hard time producing a set algorithm right away. This to me would explain why you can never start a game off with a win. It has to know what you are betting first before it can draw a random path to the desired outcome. This explains why after every bet change, you will notice a guaranteed couple spin losing streak that happens. It is redirecting and spawning a random seed maybe, but then after that seed is spawned, the software does complex mathematical problems to produce a seemingly random path to the exact same desired outcome. Only once in a while you will see the flood gates open. That is probably about 3-5 percent likely in reality. Even that percentage is probably manipulated. It's all manipulated. Crash is all manipulated. The software is controlling the cash it hands out. It isn't just a house edge. There is a very high tech computer running all these formulas to produce the desired results. So best believe if all of you are betting high all at once the game is going to force a crash. 100% unless it has room to allow the lost of the cost. This is rigged because of the fact that the software is determining the outcome or the height it can go and it is changing it like a 20 or 30 times a second. It is based on how many people bail out. If you all just by some random event think the same thing and the game just had a decent payout jut prior. If a lot of you don't jump off quickly it will crash quicker. The whole point behind me telling you this, is that don't think for a second that the game is fair at all. It is made to 100 percent make you lose unless you can get lucky and take advantage of other peoples mistakes. You might have to think outside the box to win here. Do not think logically and you might win decent maybe. Do not stick around after that though. Especially on the same game. Get out while you can because veteran players will tell you that the game is going to compensate that win right away. The casino leaves little chance for loss. It in reality only leaves like a 0.2 percent chance of room to sway from the RTP. I tested another game. Dice. I played a ton of games at the highest number of chance to win on my behalf, at lower bets and only a few higher bets. I set a turbo click button on my mouse and let it go to town. After I had a ton of lower bets made I did the same thing with a higher bet. Make it a decent amount higher then the other bet so you can see the clear difference. The less of an amount between the 2 bet sizes the less of a change you will witness. Then count all the losses you sustained with the higher bets and use that as a measuring amount. Add up all the losses with your higher bets and see how many spins it took to get that many losses. Then use the amount of losses you had for all those higher bets and see how many spins it took to get that many losses on lower bets. Do this a few times. So after you get how many spins it too with all your high bet losses combined and see how many spins on your lower bets that it took to get the same amount of losses, take down the spin that left off on and keep taking measurements and you will see the number will be consistently larger on the lower bets to get the same amount of losses on the higher bets. It is the game demonstrating that the biggest lie casinos tell is that bet sizes do not have any effect on the outcomes of your games. this is about 95-97 percent likely the outcome. There is a small window of a chance the game will pick you for a limited gain session but it will try to sink you at any moment. Do not be surprised and expect the game to send you down a longer streak of losses to compensate for larger wins. So if you won big big big.... I would run becauise you are guaranteed to lose which is against all the lies the casino tells us. It is proof the are defrauding us. You're welcome. Oh and if that is proof of a lie, just imagine what else is a lie. I will tell you pretty much the same percentage of chance the house will actually win... 98 percent.
  3. Here is another man who knows and stands up for what is right. Thank you Tendendevill for being brave and honest and speaking the truth. You know how I know he is speaking the truth? Because we live it. Guess what Pop…. You can delete the truth and spread disinformation for the purpose of costing others and filming your pockets but guess what. I am the truth. I am karma. I have the ability to draw upon forces you never seen before in your life. I am like a magnet. Kind of like that cartoon show Dragonball Z where they get sick of all the people being hurt, killed, manipulated. Then they get roughed up quite a bit and they fall right. They feel like giving up. That’s when they realize if they fall…. Who else is going to be there and is there anyone else who can be there to stop all this injustice. People are falling victim to unspeakable ends. That’s when I get up and I pull in all the energies I can and I stand up and I do so because you all are so cocky. You people think you can get away with everything. You kind of scoff at the idea that I could ever defeat you. You almost entertain the idea and further add assault to injury by even rubbing it in my face more lies just to kinda flex your muscles a bit prove you are unstoppable. Then all the sudden you start to notice something. You sense some kind of change and you see I’m gathering energy at an incredible rate. For some reason it seems to be coming from everywhere. Why am I not just giving up? This is impossible. You thought after all this time goes by how could… then that’s when I give it all I got and show you what I have been slowly gathering and hiding from you. With hopes that you would have made better decisions. Now I am exploding with energy and you and I have to have that final showdown. I kamehameha….. guess who wins…. I’m betting it’s the person who stands up for what is right and just. The person who values human beings over greed….
  4. It is impossible to state that, "Every outcome is independent of the previous result" and speak truthfully. RTP is a predetermined outcome that is guaranteed to be in the casinos favor. This means that every spin has a direct effect on the next one. I know this from extensive gameplay. Take for example winning and losing. To be honest, my experience has shown me that most of the wins are almost guaranteed to be followed by a series of losses. Any person who says otherwise is just enabling the deception and misinformation. The spins are too predictable. The proof is in the results. I don't understand how we have these discussions or disagreements when the proof is in the results. The patterns are clear. They are written in green and red. The only thing consistent about playing slots is always plan on losing your money. As soon as you deposit it with the intent to spend it on slots, consider it gone already. From my experience we are about 95 percent likely to lose with no possibility of getting up enough to consider withdrawal. This brings up another question. How are the games described with a similar rating on RTP when one is clearly following the RTP and allowing pretty much no room for any kind of realistic gain worth withdrawal? Then other games you can see it allows more room for a withdrawable situation. Yet they can be rated as similar? This is very deceptive. We are given this unreliable form of measuring the possibility of reward when it has been shown many times that a game can have a very high RTP, yet when analyzing the results of the sessions prove time and time again never to be rewarding to the player. It just solidifies the answers to our questions. I am against casinos comparing their slots with anything like a coin flip. I really hope you are not doing anything like that here. It is important to be clear and honest about the circumstances because you do not want to hinder the decisions a customer makes correct? As you stated above the casino makes enough with just a house edge correct? To add deceptive practices proves this isn't true, as it adds a layer of unexpected loss. Yes a gamble means we have a chance to lose but it doesn't mean it is fair game to lie to people and try to cover up a seriously corrupt system and blame it on the uncertainty of its nature. This is where the results can come into play and easily debunk any misinformation. If you see a consistent pattern of outcomes gravitating to one side and it is always the side of the people who have control over the games what does that say? "In most illustrations of the gambler's fallacy and the reverse gambler's fallacy, the trial (e.g. flipping a coin) is assumed to be fair. In practice, this assumption may not hold. For example, if a coin is flipped 21 times, the probability of 21 heads with a fair coin is 1 in 2,097,152. Since this probability is so small, if it happens, it may well be that the coin is somehow biased towards landing on heads, or that it is being controlled by hidden magnets, or similar.In this case, the smart bet is "heads" because Bayesian inference from the empirical evidence — 21 heads in a row — suggests that the coin is likely to be biased toward heads. Bayesian inference can be used to show that when the long-run proportion of different outcomes is unknown but exchangeable (meaning that the random process from which the outcomes are generated may be biased but is equally likely to be biased in any direction) and that previous observations demonstrate the likely direction of the bias, the outcome which has occurred the most in the observed data is the most likely to occur again." "For example, if the a priori probability of a biased coin is say 1%, and assuming that such a biased coin would come down heads say 60% of the time, then after 21 heads the probability of a biased coin has increased to about 32%."" My whole point is if the games are rigged then that's ok, just don't lie to people about it. That's fraud.
  5. So you don't think it is a good idea to be up front and honest about the circumstances beforehand? You would hurt the casino business by not posting accurate and realistic information that corresponds to the actual gameplay? Gameplay that is to be expected and easily proven by analyzing the results?
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